Sunday, January 26, 2020
Advice On Wsh Legal Compliance Issues
Advice On Wsh Legal Compliance Issues The company is planning to set up a new plant/factory/shipyard/worksite in Singapore. The new plant/factory/shipyard/worksite located in Tuas. The company will be recruiting a few hundred local and foreign workers. The new plant/factory/shipyard/worksite utilizes the following items for its production processes: Mechanical and/or hydraulic machines Material handling equipment such as forklifts and/or reach trucks Lifting equipment such as overhead cranes and/or tower cranes Pressure vessels such as boilers, air receiver, steam receivers, etc. Laboratory facilities for testing and quality control Warehouses or storage yards Various types of hazardous chemicals and/or flammable substances Task: The task requires each candidate to submit a written report on advising on WSH legal compliance issues basing on the above situations. Written Report: The research project requires each candidate to derive or collect from their workplace a portfolio of evidences on the following items: Identify the relevant and other legal requirements applicable to safety and health issues. (PC1.1, UK1) Identify the WSH legal and other responsibilities and liabilities of stakeholders. (PC1.2, UK2) Explain the WSH legal and other responsibilities and liabilities to relevant stakeholders. (PC1.3) Communicate with stakeholders on the implications of the WSH legal and other requirements in accordance with organizational procedures. (PC1.5, UK4) Gather workplace information and practices relevant for the assessment of compliance with WSH legal and other requirements. (PC2.1, UK5) Identify gaps between workplace practices and the applicable WSH legal and other requirements. (PC2.2) Recommend actions to be taken by the relevant stakeholders to comply with WSH legal and other requirements. (PC2.3, UK7) Advise relevant stakeholders in the application of relevant permits, licenses, approvals and other legal documents from respective government agencies. (PC2.4, UK6, 8) Advise stakeholders ways to assists them in maintaining compliance with applicable WSH legal and other requirements. (PC2.5, UK9) Identify means of getting updated on new or amended WSH legal and other requirements in a timely manner. (PC3.1, UK10) Interpret the new or amended WSH legal and other requirements accurately. (PC3.2) Clarify with the relevant authorities on the interpretation of new or amended legal and other requirements where applicable. (PC1.4, 3.3 UK3, 12) Determine the applicability of new or amended WSH legal and other requirements to stakeholders who seek advice on WSH legal requirements. (PC3.4) Assess workplace compliance with the new or amended WSH legal and other requirements. (PC3.5, UK11, 12) Advise on necessary actions needed to comply with new or amended WSH legal and other requirements. (PC3.6) Identify the relevant and other legal requirements applicable to safety and health issues. (PC1.1, UK1) 12. Clarify with the relevant authorities on the interpretation of new or amended legal and other requirements where applicable. (PC1.4, 3.3 UK3, 12) Government Agencies Acts and Legislations Area of Application (Eg. MOM, SCDF, NEA, etc.) (Provide list and titles of Acts and Regulations) (- Describe the application of each Act or Regulations. Also briefly explain what each of the Act and Regulations are about) MOM Workplace Safety And Health (Registration of Factories) Regulations 2008 Any organization/person who wants to occupy a piece of land or use any premises as a factory, falling within any of the classes of factories described in Part I or II of the First Schedule, shall apply to the Commissioner to register. The application (accompanied by particulars, information, statements and documents) to register the premise as a factory shall be sent to the Commissionerin such form and manner as he may require. The application has to be made at least one month before the factory starts operation. On receiving an application, the Commissioner will go through the details of application before deciding whether the premise is deem fit to be register as a factory. Upon successful application, the Commissioner will enter the factory in the register of factories and on successful payment of the fee specified in the Second Schedule, a certificate of registration will be issue to the applicant to certify the premise fit for operation. MOM WSH (General Provisions) Regulations 2006 This regulation is applicable to all factories and all owners of pressure vessel. This regulation describes the general safety rules and requirements which occupiers need to comply with. For instance, Regulation 4: Overcrowding, which require occupier to ensure that the workplace is not overcrowded so as to pose health and safety risk to the employees Regulation 6: Lighting, which require occupier to maintain and provide sufficient and suitable lighting, whether artificial or natural, for workers to engage in operation or walking. Regulation 10: Protection against excessive heat or cold and harmful radiations, which require the occupier take all reasonably practicable measures to ensure that employees at are protected from excessive heat or cold and harmful radiations. Regulation 14: Electrical installationand equipment, which require occupier to ensure that electrical installation and electrical equipment is of good made, non-faulty, well maintain and safe to use. Reasonably practicable measures have been taken by the occupier to protect against the risks of electric shock arising from or in connection with the use at work of any electrical installation or equipment in the factory. Etc. MOM WSH (First Aid) Regulations 2006 This regulation is applicable to all factories, laboratories, ship in harbour, premises within airport. This regulation describe what are the general requirements of a first aid box (what are the approved items, number of first aid boxes required against the number of employees), the requirements of first aider within the workplace, the number of first aider required within the workplace against the number of workers, and the general requirements for a first aid room. MOM WSH (Risk Management) Regulations 2006 This regulation is applicable to all workplaces covered under the First Schedule of the Act. This regulation specifies that risk an assessment has to be carried out at workplaces, with the RA documented and maintained. From the RA, what are the protective and control measures implemented to protect employees against the hazards and risks identified. MOM WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations 2006 This regulation is applicable to all workplaces. This regulation requires occupier to report any accident/incident that result in injuries (injuries that resulting in more than 3 days MC or hospitalization for 1 day) and/or deaths, any dangerous occurrence (such as toppling of scaffold, toppling of tower crane, bursting of PUB gas pipe during excavation, etc.) and any occupational diseases suffered by an employee at the workplace. MOM WSH (Safety and Health Management System and Auditing) Regulations 2009 This regulation is applicable to all factories. This regulation describes: 1) The requirements to be approved as a workplace safety and health auditor. 2) The requirement of factories to undergo a third party audit (approved auditor by MOM) on the safety and health system. MOM WSH (Workplace Safety and Health Committees) Regulations 2008 This regulation is applicable to all factories. This regulation requires factories to form a WSH committee (the general requirements stated), whereby meeting should be carried to discuss on the health and safety issues within the workplace. The function of WSH committee is also clearly defined under this regulation. SCDF Fire Safety Act Section 20: Fire Certificate This act is applicable to owner or occupier of any public buildings such as offices, hospitals, shopping complexes, industrial buildings and private residential buildings that fall within a specified criterion. The Fire Certificate Scheme is to ensure that fire safety systems and fire safety measures are properly maintained, in good working condition and tested in accordance with the relevant codes of practices. SCDF Fire Safety (Fire Emergency Plan) Regulations This regulation is applicable to premises that are designated or fall within the class of premises designated by the Minister under Section 21(1) of the Act. This regulation describe the requirements of a emergency response plan within the workplace, which include, designation of one or more places within or outside the premises which is capable of accommodating all the occupants of the premises and which poses the least danger to the occupants of the premises in the event of fire to be used as an assembly area; the need of a fire safety committee; up to date records relating to reviews of the Fire Emergency Plan; conduct of fire evacuation drills; fire safety programmes are kept and maintained, etc. SCDF Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) regulations: License to store or keep petroleum or flammable materials. This regulation is applicable to premises that require to store or keep any petroleum or flammable material or both at any premises shall be made by the person intending to store or keep the petroleum or flammable material or both. This regulation states that no occupier shall store or keep, or cause to be stored or kept, any class of petroleum or any flammable material except: (a) in or on premises licensed for the storage or keeping of such petroleum or flammable material; (b) in such quantities and in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed in relation to such petroleum or flammable material; and (c) under the authority of and in accordance with the provisions of a licence from the Commissioner and every condition specified therein. SCDF Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) regulations: License to import petroleum or flammable materials. This regulation is applicable to occupier who wants to import of any class of petroleum or any flammable material in excess of the respective quantities specified in the Second Schedule. The regulations require the person importing such petroleum or flammable material to hold a licence from the Commissioner to import such petroleum or flammable material; and the person does not hold such a valid licence. Singapore Police Force Arms and Explosives (Explosive Precursors) Rules 2007: License to store explosive precursors. This regulation is applicable to occupier who wants to store explosive precursorsfor operation purposes. Singapore Police Force Arms and Explosives (Explosive Precursors) Rules 2007: Ad hoc license to import/export explosive precursors. This regulation is applicable to occupier who wants to import/export explosive precursors. The regulation requires the applicant to hold a dealers license before applying for a license to import or export arms or explosives. NEA Environmental Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations 2009: Permission to store and use hazardous Substances. This regulation is applicable to a person who keeps or has in possession or under his control any hazardous substances specified in the Schedule. The regulation specify that the person shall be authorized to store and use hazardous substances under a permit or a license granted under section 22 of the Act to deal in hazardous substances under his possession. The person issued with the permit shall keep a record of the quantity of such substances and stored in a container based on the purpose or purposes stated in the permit. The container is designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the code of practice and clearly labeled with restricted access to authorized personnel only. HSA Poisons Act, Chapter 234: Poisons Licence This regulation is applicable to a person who import, possess for sale, sell or offer for sale any poisons. Form A Poisons Licence is issued under the Poisons Act to allow the licensee to import, store and sell poisons by way of wholesale at the premises stated in the licence. The licensee for Form A Poisons Licence must be working full time for the company and be given the responsibilities and accountabilities for all poisons transactions. PUB Sewerage and Drainage (Trade Effluent) Regulations This regulation is applicable to factories. This regulation specifies the discharge limit and contents requirement of trade effluent that is coming out from the factories operation. The requirement of treating the trade effluent (installation of a treatment plant) before discharging the effluent and installing such sampling test points, inspection chambers, measuring devices, and recording and other apparatuses for monitoring. Identify the WSH legal and other responsibilities and liabilities of stakeholders. (PC1.2, UK2) Explain the WSH legal and other responsibilities and liabilities to relevant stakeholders. (PC1.3) Stakeholder (Organization Job position) Legal Responsibilities / Companys Job Description Liabilities Penalties / Offences List and identify at least FOURstakeholders in the company eg. Principal (WSH Manager); Subcontractor (ABC Construction Pte Ltd); Rigger (Tan Ah Seng); etc Describe and elaborate each stakeholder legal responsibilities as well as those set by the company in their job description. Elaborate the liabilities, penalties, and offences of each stakeholder as stipulated for the legislations) Occupier (Site Diector under the name Avnetis Pharma Mfg Pte Ltd) Legal responsibilities: It shall be the duty of every occupier of any workplace to take, so far as is reasonably practicable, such measures to ensure that a) the workplace; b) all means of access to or egress from the workplace; and c) any machinery, equipment, plant, article or substance kept on the workplace, are safe and without risks to health to every person within those premises, whether or not the person is at work or is an employee of the occupier. Company main HSE responsibilities: The Site Director has overall responsibility for the effective implementation of the HSE Policy. In compliance with the law, the Site Director shall: 1. Ensure the workplaces entrances and exits and any equipment, machinery, plant, article or substances are accessible, safe and risk-free. 2. Ensure the safety and health of his employees and personnel who may be indirectly affected in the workplace. WSH (General Provision) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both WSH (Registration of Factories) Regulations Fine not exceeding $3,000 WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $5,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Risk Management) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Workplace Safety and Health Committees) Regulations First offence: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 Second or subsequent offence: $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both WSH (Workplace Safety and Health Officers) Regulations First offence: $10,000 Continuing offence: a further fine not exceeding $1,000 for every day or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction. Factories (Noise) Regulations Fines not exceeding $5,000 Fire Safety Act Fines not exceeding $5,000 Fire Safety (Building Fire Safety) Regulations Fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both Environmental Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations Fine not exceeding $30,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or both Continuing offence: a further fine not exceeding $1,000 for everyday or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction. Environmental Public Health Act Fine not exceeding $10,000 and in the case of a continuing offence, the sum of $500 for every day or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction Employers (HODs) 1) It shall be the duty of every employer to take, so far as is reasonably practicable, such measures as are necessary to ensure the safety and health of his employees at work. 2) It shall be the duty of every employer to take, so far as is reasonably practicable, such measures as are necessary to ensure the safety and health of persons (not being his employees) who may be affected by any undertaking carried on by him in the workplace. 3) For the purposes of subsection (1), the measures necessary to ensure the safety and health of persons at work include a) providing and maintaining for those persons a work environment which is safe, without risk to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work; b) ensuring that adequate safety measures are taken in respect of any machinery, equipment, plant, article or process used by those persons; c) ensuring that those persons are not exposed to hazards arising out of the arrangement, disposal, manipulation, organization, processing, storage, transport, working or use of things i) in their workplace; or ii) near their workplace and under the control of the employer; d) developing and implementing procedures for dealing with emergencies that may arise while those persons are at work; and e) ensuring that the person at work has adequate instruction, information, training and supervision as is necessary for that person to perform his work. 4) Every employer shall, where required by the regulations, give to persons (not being his employees) the prescribed information about such aspects of the way in which he conducts his undertaking as might affect their safety or health while those person are at his workplace. Company main HSE responsibilities: 1. Providing a safe and healthy workplace. 2. Establishing a committee or designating a representative as needed. 3. Consulting and cooperating with the committee or reperesntative. 4. Providing the information and training needed to protect the health and safety of workers. 5. Ensuring that supervisors are competent and that supervisors provide competent supervision. 6. Arranging the regular examination of the workplace, tools and equipment to ensure their safety. 7. Ensuring that tools, machinery and equipment are properly maintained. 8. Enabling a committee or representative to inspect the workplace regularly. 9. Promptly correcting unsafe conditions and activities reported by the committee or representative. 10. Ensuring that the committee or representative investigates reportable accidents and dangerous occurrences. WSH (General Provision) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $5,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Risk Management) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both Factories (Noise) Regulations Fines not exceeding $5,000 Environmental Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations Fine not exceeding $30,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or both Continuing offence: a further fine not exceeding $1,000 for everyday or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction. Employees (Chemical Technician, Mechanical Technician, Logistic personnel, etc.) Legal responsibilities: 1) It shall be the duty of every person at work a) to use in such manner so as to provide the protection intended, any suitable appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or other means or thing provided (whether for his use alone or for use by him in common with others) for securing his safety, health and welfare while at work; and b) to co-operate with his employer or principal and any other person to such extent as will enable his employer, principal or the other person, as the case may be, to comply with the provisions of this Act. 2) No person at work shall willfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or other means or thing provided (whether for his use alone or for use by him in common with others) pursuant to any requirement under this Act for securing the safety, health or welfare of persons (including himself) at work. 3) Any person at work who, without reasonable cause, willfully or recklessly does any act which endangers the safety or health of himself or others shall be guilty of an offence. Company main HSE responsibilities: 1. Taking reasonable care to protect their health and safety and that of other workers. 2. Cooperating with employers, supervisors, committee members and representatives. 3. Using safe work procedures, safeguards, and personnel protective equipment. 4. Reporting potential hazards or risks to the employer immediately. 5. Knowing and complying with health and safety requirements. 6. Refraining form harassment. WSH (General Provision) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $5,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Risk Management) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both Environmental Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations Fine not exceeding $30,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or both Continuing offence: a further fine not exceeding $1,000 for everyday or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction. WSH (Workplace Safety and Health Committees) Regulations First offence: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 Second or subsequent offence: $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both Duties of persons who erect, install or modify machinery or equipment and persons in control of machinery for use at work. (company engage contractors) 1) It shall be the duty of any person who erects, installs or modifies any machinery or equipment for use at work to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the machinery or equipment is erected, installed or modified in such a manner that it is safe, and without risk to health, when properly used. 2) The duty imposed on a person erecting, installing or modifying any machinery or equipment under subsection (1) shall apply only if the machinery or equipment is erected, installed or modified in the course of the persons trade, business, profession or undertaking. 3) Any person required under subsection (1) to ensure that any machinery or equipment is erected, installed or modified in such a manner that it is safe, and without risk to health, when properly used shall be regarded as having complied with that subsection to the extent that a) the person ensured, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the erection, installation or modification was in accordance with the information supplied by the designer, manufacturer or supplier of the machinery or equipment regarding its erection, installation or modification; and b) it is reasonable for the person to rely on that information. 4) Where any machinery moved by mechanical power is used in any workplace, then notwithstanding anything in this Act, it shall be the duty of the owner of the machinery to ensure a) so far as is reasonably practicable, that the machinery is maintained in a safe condition; and b) that the precautions (if any) to be taken for the safe use of the machinery and the health hazards (if any) associated with the machinery is available to any person using the machinery. 5) Where the owner of any machinery moved by mechanical power has entered into a contract of hire or lease with a hirer or lessee, the duty imposed under subsection (4) shall apply to the hirer or lessee of the machinery instead of the owner. 6) Where the owner, hirer or lessee of any machinery moved by mechanical power has entered into a contract with another person to maintain the machinery, the duty under subsection (4)(a) shall apply to that other person instead of the owner, hirer or lessee of the machinery. 7) Subsections (1), (2) and (3) shall apply only to machinery or equipment specified in Part I of the Fifth Schedule. Company main HSE responsibilities: In compliance with the law, contractors shall: 1. Supply safety precautions to be taken for the proper use and maintenance of the machinery, equipment or hazardous substance. 2. Specify any health hazards associated with the machinery, equipment or hazardous substance. 3. Supply information relating to and the results of any tests or examinations of the machinery, equipment or hazardous substances is tested and examined to ensure safety when properly used. WSH (General Provision) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $5,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Risk Management) Regulations 1stoffence: Fine of not exceeding $10,000 2ndand subsequent offences: Fine of not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both WSH (Confined Spaces) Regulations Fine not exceeding $20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both Environmental Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations Fine not exceeding $30,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or both Continuing offence: a further fine not exceeding $1,000 for everyday or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction. Communicate with stakeholders on the implications of the WSH legal and other requirements in accordance with organizational procedures. (PC1.5, UK4) (- List and describe THREE different types of communication channels employed in by your company. Show evident or data. Eg. Appendix à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Minimum 100 words) In workplaces, Safety communication is essential to employees so that they are aware of the effects of Workplace Safety and Health so as to seek encouragement from them to contribute actively to Workplace Safety and Health. Contributions from the employees will only be effective if they understood their roles and responsibilities and be competent in their work tasks. In Sanofi Aventis, the following communication channels are employed to pass on the information and messages to employees: E-mails: Whenever there is a safety-related issue and/or article send down by Corporate, the information will be forwarded to all HODs so that they can passed down the information to the staffs within their department. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Notice Board: Whenever there is an incident/accident that has happened in other site within the corporate, a report of the incident/accident will be put up on the notice board to allow employees locally to learn of the issue so that the same situation will not be repeated. HSE Committee meeting: During the HSE committee meeting, issues on workplace health, safety and environment will be discussed, reviewed and ideas on how to improve them will be exchanged during the meeting. The discussions will be minute down and send to the committees so that they can pass down the information to other colleagues in their department. Gather workplace information and practices relevant for the assessment of compliance with WSH legal and other requirements. (PC2.1, UK5) Identify gaps between workplace practices and the applicable WSH legal and other requirements. (PC2.2) Recommend actions to be taken by the relevant stakeholders to comply with WSH legal and other requirements. (PC2.3, UK7) Name Description of Elements (SMS) or Practices (CP) Company Practices / Gaps Legal Requirements / Code of Practice Compliance Y / N Recommended Actions (- List at least FIVEpractices or Elements of Safety Management System. Briefly describe each practice or element. Eg. Permit-to-work, Safety Training, etc. Provide evidence such as examples, attachments, appendices, data, or documentation for
Saturday, January 18, 2020
New school Essay
Adjusting to a new school is difficult for anyone, and those difficulties are magnified when a person is faced with an alien or hostile culture. In reading these two essays, the difficulties of the two writers fall into several categories. These categories are physical, emotional, educational, economic, and political and the family stresses that result from the new educational process that the child is subjected to. While there may be many more, these stand out as significant in helping or hindering in the assimilation process. The physical changes that one may undergo are most acutely seen in Zitkala-Saââ¬â¢s essay. In her writing, she clearly outlines how she was not permitted to wear her traditional clothes or shoes, and that she even went to the extent of hiding to avoid having her hair cut. In her culture, having short hair was the sign of a coward, and she did not was the ignominy that having short hair would have meant. Once she was back on the reservation, she even writes that she ââ¬Å"threw away her shoesâ⬠and was back in her moccasins. She desired to shed all the conventions of western life as soon as she could. The emotional tolls are much higher. Ning Yu writes that in order to understand English, he came up with comparatives in Chinese. While they were not as flattering, it was his way of coping emotionally with being forced to hate a culture he had never seen. When his adulterations of the language were discovered, he lived with the stress of wondering if he would be sent to jail for saying unflattering things about Chairman Mao. The emotional toll also played on his father, who watched his son struggle with a difficult language, and then taught him how to be fully literate in that self-same language. In Zitkala-Saââ¬â¢s story, we see that she was terribly unhappy with what she was being subjected to. From hiding under a bed to crying in her motherââ¬â¢s arms, she shows quite succinctly how the idea of being assimilated into white society was affecting her. Her mother, while very upset that her daughter was upset, tries to console her by telling her to read the ââ¬Å"white manââ¬â¢s papers (202)â⬠. She shows herself to be a bit more pragmatic. She understands that for her daughter to be successful, she must be subjected to the inhumanity of going to the white manââ¬â¢s schools. The educational tolls are also high. Ning Yu and Zitkala-Sa were both initially resistant to the changes that were thrust upon them. By the end of their stories, they are both at some level embracing the language and the culture that they were being taught. By the end of Ning Yuââ¬â¢s essay, he was earning a living shoveling dung and selling it, and was proud of the ââ¬Å"drudgeryâ⬠that he had performed when he was struggling to read Pride and Prejudice (181). In Zitkala-Saââ¬â¢s essay, we find that she wanted to go to the same party as her cousin, even though that cousin was dressed in the clothes of the white man (202). There existed within these two individuals a need for acceptance within the new language system and society that was being thrust upon them, and the internal struggle that came with that wrought an enormous emotional toll. The economic stresses are also severe. This is most apparent in Ning-Yuââ¬â¢s essay, when he talks about the differences between ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠and ââ¬Å"redâ⬠Chinese people. He was a ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠Chinese, and his professor was considered a loyal ââ¬Å"redâ⬠Chinese. He lived in a poor slum area of his city, and his family had been split apart. His father, who had been a professor, was disgraced for consorting with the British, and was considered a pariah. Zitkala-Sa was not from a wealthy family, but she was still considered a pariah in her own right because she was not a white child, and was being thrust into a white school with a completely different socieo-economic strata that she was not accustomed to. The political stresses were also severe. There was a complete and total expectation that these two were the new breed for their society and would lead them to a new era of success. This is most clearly seen in Ning-Yuââ¬â¢s essay. It is very clear that the whole motive for Ning-Yuââ¬â¢s education in English is to assimilate him into a new culture, and as a political maneuver by the regime of Chairman Mao. Finally, the family stresses are immense. Ning-Yuââ¬â¢s father was taken away from him for over a year and a half. At some level, Ning-Yuââ¬â¢s father may have been proud of his son, but at the same time, he knew that his son was being trained to be alienated from him. Zitkala-Saââ¬â¢s family struggled with the assimilation of their child into a foreign culture while they watched their own culture slip away. There is no easy answer to these problems. The time that is taken away from these children can never be given back. It takes years to see the damage, if any, that the forcing of language and culture has on a person of foreign birth. In both of these cases, there appears to be no consideration for the home lives or the individual nature of these children. Instead, they are treated like cattle and are forced into a cultural melange that they do not understand or want to understand. Viewed with the hindsight of history, we must see that children are people, and are also individuals, and should be treated as such. The ultimate goal in assimilating a language or culture should also be in maintaining a pride and a link to their rich cultural past.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What You Should Know About Writeplacer and Why
What You Should Know About Writeplacer and Why English positioning test information to position into the acceptable english course, pupils will probably be using the writeplacer exam the writeplacer exam could possibly be the essay proportion of the accuplacer program that's testing. After completing the LOEP exam, a student might be asked to compose an essay to finish the LOEP placement. Our practice questions can help you learn how to see common errors in all the writing skills listed above. Serious college placement test practice is recommended for everyone going to take the ACCUPLACER. It isn't a pass-fail exam. Dependent on the student's background, ACCUPLACER will ascertain whether the LOEP exam is necessary automatically. The test contains comprehension of short passages and inference abilities. The practice tests are in the very same format as the actual exam and covers every one of the skills on the actual test. You have to answer each question presented, even when you have to guess. The phrase of course should be preceded and followed by commas when used in the midst of a sentence similar to this. A sentence is provided, and you've got to pick the best approach to modify the sentence, or to keep it the exact same. In case you're taking the traditional variant of the test, click the sentence skills link within this section. You'll be provided a quick passage about an issue, and you will have to compose an essay about it. The essay should include word usage, sentence usage, grammar, organization and development. Make sure you accomplish this completely by recalling the vital points of the essay, as opposed to going back on a tangent. The Rise of Writeplacer Please plan ahead to make sure your needs are satisfied. The test instructions are simple to comprehend. The full test is multiple selection. Please contact the testing website for verification prior to going to select the test. Then you'll compose an essay in which you develop your own perspective on the problem. The WritePlacer essay is the written part of the ACCUPLACER test and it's designed to assess your capacity to construct effective, informative work. Each test has a varying amount of questions related to it, and candidates might not be asked to take all tests. Get prepared for the accuplacer essay learn everything there's certain ly to learn about the essay part of the accuplacer english test get prepared for the test with your testprep-online comprehensive accuplacer practice pack that's english. Failure to do so can lower your total score. Official Essay Writing Guide Writeplacer Success tells you all of the advice and techniques that you will need for the essay. The Test Administrator has the power to resolve any difficulties that might occur. The test also has a WritePlacer ESL essay section. It is not timed and takes about 2 to 3 hours to finish. The new Next Generation test is in a totally different format than the traditional variant of the test. Make certain you're utilizing the suitable ACCUPLACER practice tests for the tests you'll be taking. The cost of an essay is dependent upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. Your facts also have to be included in a somewhat logical order and have to flow together well to be able to score well in development. The correct food is able to help you achieve your goal a lot more effectively. In summary, the rating is dependent on the fact whether the test taker can express the real ideas and ideas in writing, and the manner where the ideas are arranged. The Appeal of Writeplacer Your score report will show up on your computer screen after you've finished taking your test. You will get your scores immediately upon finishing the test. A greater score may make it possible for you to refrain from taking certain courses altogether. Your score on the test is utilized to establish how many remedial courses you'll be asked to takeif any. The aim of the ACCUPLACER English Test is to assist your college determine whether you're prepared for college-level courses or whether you ought to take remedial or extra courses to acquire you college ready. In case you have credits from different colleges you might be able to utilize your official or unofficial transcript for placement. Test scores help colleges determine whether or not a student is prepared for college-level coursework or. The ACCUPLACER ESL test is utilized by colleges and universities to find out the degree of English of students that are learning English as a Second Language.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
My Understanding Of Philosophy And Philosophy - 1490 Words
Heather Lockwood PHIL 200 Professor Kathryn Broyles 26 June 2016 My Understanding of Philosophy When I first entered this class, I held a basic understanding of what philosophy was, and knew little about Aristotle, Socrates, and other well-known philosophers. I also thought that Aesopââ¬â¢s Fables were true and loved to read them as a little girl, even though they did not make complete sense to me at the time. As I worked my way through PHIL 200, I began to broaden my knowledge of this area of life study, and to appreciate the different viewpoints on the presented topics. Throughout this essay, I will explain the difference between my ââ¬Å"basic understandingâ⬠to what I have learned throughout the course. The class started off with the first essay assignment on morals. When I began that assignment, I believed that morals were simply what was right and wrong, based on how my parents and other family members raised me. As I began the research process, I became more aware about the history or morals and ethics, and what the different influences are on a person and how that shapes who they are, and what kind of person they become. Laura Berk states that children ââ¬Å"consider prosocial and antisocial intentions and the context of the behaviorâ⬠before coming to a conclusion of whether something is morally acceptable (484). Socrates was one of the first philosophers that I had heard of from previous classes that also did teachings on morals and ethics. One of his beliefs that stuckShow MoreRelatedMy Nursing Philosophy : A Basis Of Understanding For Professional Nursing1225 Words à |à 5 PagesMy Nursing Philosophy Developing a basis of understanding for professional nursing is where you start to achieve the best practices and outcomesâ⬠(Alligood, 2014, p. 56). In order to develop a personal nursing philosophy there are a few basic ideas to consider. 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